
Annabelle Clarke

Since graduating from the University of Nottingham with a Master's degree in English literature Annabelle has followed her dream and pursued a career as a content writer. Annabelle discovered her love of literature and writing from an early age when her father would spend hours at a time reading to her. She loved it best when he would read her a play and assume the role of each of the characters.

During her time at University, Annabelle's father was diagnosed with a rare medical condition and was only given a small chance of survival.  Annabelle started researching the condition, the normal treatments and the new alternative therapies that were becoming available. Annabelle's Eureka moment came when she was able to make contact with specialists overseas and devise a recovery program.

latest treatments

By combining the latest treatments with an improved eating, exercising and sleeping routine Annabelle's father' made a full recovery. Buoyed by this and her not insignificant part in it, Annabelle devoted all her spare time to researching, writing and blogging about medical conditions and the importance that sleep plays in our general health.

We are confident that Annabelle's love for life, as well as her passion and dedication to help others will be reflected in her blogs and will offer our readers new and alternative ways to improve their sleep pattern and the health benefits associated with sleeping pills, anxiety medication and painkillers.

Annabelle's hobbies include keeping fit, she currently does Thai boxing twice a week, reading and amateur dramatics. She has performed in a number of plays, including Shakespeare's Twelfth Night where she wooed audiences with her portrayal of Olivia.

We are extremely happy to have Annabelle writing full time for us at https://cheapsleepingtablets.net/!

Published: 20 February 2021
Review Due: February 2022